Sarah Feltner

Sarah Feltner is the baker of Fayetteville City and start his career in the baker industry. She is too talented in his role that she serves the whole city with her delicious products like bread and pastries etc. From his childhood, she liked to bake the cake in her house. Which now converts her into the profession.

Sarah Feltner

Sarah Feltner

Sarah Feltner

Sarah Feltner

Sarah Feltner

Sarah Feltner

Sarah Feltner

Surespan Access Hatches & Trapdoors

 Surespan Access Hatches & Trapdoors

Benjamin Daly

 Benjamin Daly is an acclaimed dating coach and #1 best selling author. For over a decade, he has helped women find and form relationships with their dream man. His study of behaviour, psychology and social interaction has led him to develop simple strategies that get results. When he’s not coaching, Benjamin devotes his time to his family, friends, fitness and food.

Benjamin Daly

Benjamin Daly

Benjamin Daly

Benjamin Daly

Benjamin Daly

Andrei Baciu

 Andrei Baciu

Ministry of Health, Romania 

Andrei Baciu

Dr. Andrei BACIU was appointed Secretary of State within the Ministry of Health of Romania in December 2019. He is responsible for the general oversight of the Pharmaceutical Directorate of the Ministry of Health. He is also in charge of the coordination of COVID response in Romania. He is responsible for the eHealth area and the eHealth strategy in Romania and from January 2020 he is the RO representative in the eHealth Network of the EU Member States. From June 2020 he was nominated in the Steering Board of EMA. 

Andrei Baciu

The Secretary of State is also the focal point for the relations with WHO in the country. He was the head of the Romanian Delegation to WHA 73 in May 2020 and to the WHO RC 70 and, since his appointment, the official attended several virtual highlevel meetings ad EU level including the Informal Meeting of Health Ministers and the EPSCO Council Meetings on behalf of the Romanian Minister of Health.

Andrei Baciu

He is a member of the National Liberal Party and starting with June 2016 he is Secretary General of the National Health Committee of the National Liberal Party. 

Andrei Baciu

Dr. Baciu is a member of the American Public Health Association since 2016 and a member of the American Society for the Study of Liver Pathology since 2016. Since 2017 he is specialised in cardiovascular surgery. He underwent training in Hospital management and in Management and Leadership in Health and Social Care.

Andrei Baciu

Andrei Baciu

Andrei Baciu

Andrei Baciu

Kabir McNeely is an American actor and filmmaker

Kabir McNeely is an American actor and filmmaker – best known for his short film  Blue Girl  which won him several awards. He began his care...