Michael Adamucci Inteview part-2

What does your typical day look like, and how do you make it productive?

 I wake up around between 3 am and 4 am, I get up for an hour and then back to bed until 6 am. I go for a run in Central Park, I make my kids breakfast and get them off to school. I usually have a to-do list that I manage in the mornings, and then I eat lunch and make calls. I am single, so I date a lot here in NYC. I usually nap around 1 pm to 2 pm in the afternoon, and then I pick up the kids. I am joining a gym tomorrow.

Michael Adamucci

What's one trend that really excites you?

The trends that excite me are the ones that I spot, I wear, and then I see others picking up on it. Monetary inflation keeps me up at night. Golf excites me as well as skiing. I used to be on a ski team and a coach and instructor. Fly fishing in Montana is a passion.

Michael Adamucci

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive?

I make lists and check off things when I get them done.  It is a great way of tracking the progress of a day.

Michael Adamucci

What was the worst job you ever had and what did you learn from it?

I worked at a data center for a company my father worked for.  I learned that he wasn't going to get me a job, I had to earn it, and that was a very valuable lesson.

Michael Adamucci

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? (personal or professional)

A really cool hoodie.

Michael Adamucci

What software and web services do you use? What do you love about them?

I use Adobe Photoshop and Photo Mechanic, because they are the industry standard. I play speed chess online and casino craps. I like them because they are a time suck. I like Tinder too, I meet a bunch of cool people. 

Michael Adamucci

What are some of the photographers and photojournalists have influenced you?

Denis Paquin because he could get a photo out of anyone, and he was such a terrible person. Santi Lyon, was an incredible war photographer. All journalists influence me because they are the Fifth Estate.

Michael Adamucci

What photograph of yours are you most proud of? Why?

There are so many.  Recently, I caught my daughter emerging out of a shadow, and it's a great shot!

Michael Adamucci

If you could go back in time and shoot one event, what would you choose and why?

I'd like to have shot the Turin Olympics because I lived there, I speak Italian, and I have friends there.

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