story of the love-love story-blog story

5 pm. Himel is freshened up from sleep. With headphones and mobiles on the roof depart. The sleep of sleep is still cut no. Take a big breath to the roof. The house is 2 floors so it is enough to go to the roof. It didn't take long. Get up on the roof and push the gate. Removes a little bit. The sweet light came from the west. It covers the eye with the back of your hand. Then take the hand again sweet. Adjust yourself to the light of the sun. Takes General chat lounge slowly starts to go to the left side of the roof by doing Himel. A seating area on the balcony There are Himel sat there. Sleepy eyes pocket plug-in mobiles with headphones from. Then go to the music player. Leave out the song "Surround You" by Tahsan-Earphones ring headphones. In full sound gunter and the two-handed crowd By doing feet move down. General Chat Chat Lounge. Recently, Himel's hair and beard are a little bigger done. It's not like you don't have time to spend. Time But neglect to myself has been working for some time. Even so, it is good to keep hair and beard large of Himmel. A nasty back of having hair and beard grown Story Have: General Chat Chat LoungeOne day on campus I sat down with a thought Stay Time Himel wants another girl Thinking is very angry at the target Ange Himel tries to conceive but There was no rage at all. Finally When Himmel smiles at the thought Thinking is a twist on Himel's big hair Or beards or beards are very fond of thinking Would have They also keep their beards. General Chat Chat Lounge.No more thinking in this world but him Good. This beard and hair as a lattice Leaving The cull are sometimes cut, but on the beard, Himel does not make any cuts. Brent died of cancer 5 years ago Think. Every afternoon in the afternoon before the two rooftops Get up Hand sang and enjoyed the afternoon To do that. General Chat Chat Lounge.It was too late to tell Songs. There was a change in succession Each one Hummel was in sync with the music. Now the song "I heard you that day" is playing. Leave the high place of the West Railingar Hummel on the front. The sinking of the salm. The first two lines of the song are more towards the sun Himmel: I heard that day you were in the ocean pressing Bluewater has reached the sea. General Chat Chat Lounge. I know why he laughs after saying the line, Himel. Mucci smiles. Then meditate on the song's mind is engrossed in the words of the mind says itself: Where do you get lost? Do you hear me? Do you hear me? General Chat Chat LoungeA slight moan and laugh again start to think: You're gone. But you've got one thing's love me so much, and so do I.I love it just like you do if you make that habit, it will never happen not like Bhola. General Chat Chat Lounge. The sun is set and the time left is Duskin the evening Thinking. Running from foot to back One Noise was heard but Himel heard it not because of the sound of ear headphones Nothing outside can be heard Himel let out a long breath. Looking west and over the railing, Hand Gives two. General Chat Chat Lounge Someone with the right foot of a Hummel with two hands, In a nutshell, Got it Of Himmel. Looking down from the back of the chadar Like A smile erupted One Mucci came up with a smile Headphones Drop down and grab the hand, Himmel.Without moving his hand, the face would rotate seem. Himel jumps back and forth began to ask: What's wrong with Papa. What's angry with Papa? Have you done the person with whom Himel is talking is his 3Year Girl, Tanha? Tanha turns her face to the other side asks again, smiling tell me what happened? Hands off Tanha Himel Amata says: Don't talk to you. Why Miami? Tanha Pakamo says: You are rotten you came. Himel brings out his teeth and laughs:
Why Mamuni? Are you scared? Tanha looks a little angry: No. I'm Brave Girl. I'm not scared. And you forgot about Papa's Brave Girl Went thinking eyebrows tell Kuch: Again today you are my birthday Chocolate He didn't give in. Don't talk to you. Himmel whispers in his ear Sorry I forgot. Sorry Give it Tanha angrily says: Okay, but give me chocolate. Himmel stands up and tells Tanha:
There is a magical kingdom in the pocket and hands, therefore, it will get immediately upon hearing this, he puts his hand in his pocketTanha. And happy with pockets of chocolate Jump in general Chat Chat Lounge And Himmel says Happy Birthday Mamuni. Now happy? Tanha shakes her head and agrees. Then Himel takes Tanha into his laptop looks more than you think in the western sky. How big is your daughter? It's been 5 years now. Can't stay. Sunshine is completely submerged.It's evening Himel is down to talk to Tanha It goes away In the afternoon.

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