The story

Many nights

Just back from the office I just entered the room. I took the towel to say fresco. Immediately the phone rang. Ahhar says, threatening to get the phone from the neighborhood.
- Why do you use Robi Sim?
From now on, use GP. OK?
- Ye know the reason?
- Because my GP SIM. That is why he puts the phone on his face.
- What a threat, Dad.
Then two days pass. No phone or message. The third day was left in the corner of the wallet long ago. Simta is not full on mobile again. Then wait Isho Seto and my GP don't know the SIM number. So for fear I just message my number from Robi.
Then the clouds are like water without asking. His phone is like a flood of water. What else is a threat. He did not do this, why did he do it?
I just say - who you are. Please tell me
- Hearing this is not working. Sleep now
If you want to get more sleep. My mind then
"The condition of the Peckham Tuila dance."
The next day I call. Oh what a sweet voice.
I just got time to say hello. Then my fault began. If anyone takes the blame in the voice of samudhu. Then the pain becomes "honey, if you give".
It is not too late the next day, like Nirmalandur's poem. Straightcut I say "love". He just cries. After a long time, I swallow.
- Did I say something wrong?
- No.
- Why are you crying?
- He tells her to wipe the nose with water.
- Can't say it's too late! - That's the place.
I'm always scared. What or what and what or what he or she thinks, adds to the cry. I secretly name him.
"Crying airy".
One day I tell the wind in fear. Give me a picture Cry again and again. What irritated Ray father. Protect god That is the day he took my Facebook password. And sends me pictures on my ID.
Why do I know the picture, but I do not say anything. He says at night - You see?
- Hmm.
- Have you eaten a crush?
- You're pretty cool.
- Hey, that's not me.
- You are not, so who ... !!
- That blue sapphire. The heroine of the sheer shelf.
- What a burn, give me your picture.
- Why give me such a rush? But tell her first. What's in this girl? Whoever saw him crushed!
What was on my forehead that day. I told it again. It was a lot of comfort to eat her chef's cane house.
Then one day I was very scared. "Let's meet." Allah knows what is in the forehead today?
All day I look at the phone for fear. Twenty-one numbers were not known so well before. The phone rings. Let's meet now
Do I die and run? I do not care to read the shirt or Punjabi. But what I will see, where he will come and when he will say nothing. Give me a call again - where are you?
- Here I am in front of the lab aid.
Hey, is there a place to meet someone in front of the hospital?
- Come quietly.
What and the twenty bucks of rent accepted fifty taka. When i reached Let's see Forsa is a jeans girl. I run and say.
- That's me, you know me?
The girl says surprise - what does she say? Who are you
My husband's Piles operation. I'm coming to visit him. And you are floating with me. You are worse than the Tamil brothers.
Before I could run, another girl named Rickshaw. Long haired brunette is a girl. - Oh if such a girl
I could say "love". So I could do the impossible as infinite Jalil.
A naughty wind then knows where it flies. And the cloud of the girl blows black hair into the air. The flying wings fly like wings. It was like a girl floating in the air and walking towards me.
The Sinhalese beat the sea. Raises two eyes like a bird's nest.
- "Where have you been this long ... !! He grabs my hand before I fall down the street."
- - "What's with that pants shirt ... !!"
- No, my pantsuit didn't have anything to do with it, absolutely. Believe it I got it from the laundry yesterday.
- Hey your not a pantsuit, this girl, the one you were talking to for so long. Who is she
- That means her husband. Yeh came to the operation.
- What do you mean?
- What is that? Having said that, I am ashamed of myself as a minister of education.
- He says right away. Do you understand me? Buira Jamai, the old woman, is now in operation for the ceremony. Woe to me, I came to the world with a forehead.
Saying that he started kandakati at midnight. I somehow managed to call her a rickshaw.
From the ice cream shop I bought two chakobar santas. She hands me an ice cream to wipe her nose with a knife. I give a light bite. Then he used to eat my ice cream ice cream and roam around with me to curse as many lovers as I have fourteen. Do not listen or listen to rumors. So without listening to this, I sing to my heart.
- If this road does not end. But what a shoe ...
I dropped him off shortly before dusk.
I call him at night. - Dad, I'll send you a wedding proposal. If you agree She weeps and wears what she says. I fell asleep leaving the phone in my ear. Nowadays I get good sleep after listening to the weeping music.
Today we are married. All the ceremonies are over.
A girl sits in a blue sari lying on a flower bed. I look at him from afar for a long time. The girl is crying and my mobile is pressing. Occasionally wiping the nose with tissue. His nose is red. What that may seem to me.
I sit next to him gently. "What happened Babu.
Why cry even today? "Look at me
His crying speed increased three times.
- Who is this crying wind? With whom it is so phonepal.
- That's it. Well, now I am calling again crying air.I call her from my mobile phone.
And Omni floats on 'Crying Windy' is calling. This time he really laughed. I hug him gently. Well, why does it take so much love to smile with water in your eyes? God knows well ... !! I just know
Breastfeeding in love
What about me?
My mind is in the bird
In a small cage
And Sakhir .......
Your mind is in the cage
You keep me

1 comment:

Kabir McNeely is an American actor and filmmaker

Kabir McNeely is an American actor and filmmaker – best known for his short film  Blue Girl  which won him several awards. He began his care...